Members Publications

Daniels Diet

Daniels Diet – the 10-day Weight Loss and Detox Plan

I have been a successful Naturopath for over 35 years and have written six health books.
My first book in the 1990s was “There is a Cure for Chronic Tiredness.” It earned me a recommendation for the Australian Pursuit of Excellence Award.

Writing a health book that you are passionate about changed my life. It increased my business dramatically and created many opportunities nationally and internationally.

I would recommend it to any naturopath or allied health practitioner to build their business. There is more sickness today than ever, so naturopaths are vital in helping those in need and spreading the natural health message.
To encourage practitioners to get their message out there, I now have a business assisting people in self-publishing their books

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Heal Yourself with Journaling Power

Heal Yourself with Journaling Power’ reveals the inner strength and grace that comes through the proven therapeutic power of expressive writing. You’ll discover the life-changing magic of journaling through moving personal stories told by just a few of the thousands of people who have tapped into this highly-effective way to heal, grow, and transform your life.
Jenetta Haim is featured as a contributor in this second book called Heal yourself with Journaling power by Mari Mccarthy. Jenetta contributes to the book explaining to people from her articles why journaling is so important for your health. The book is available for sale on her website. Check it out or purchase
now on
Mari L. McCarthy, Founder and CEO – Chief Empowerment Officer of, teaches curious health-conscious action-takers how to use Journaling For The Health Of It®️ to heal the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual issues in their tissues. She shows them how to use this holistic health tool known as embodied journaling to know, grow and share their True Self. Mari is the multi award-winning author of many other books which include Journaling Power: How To Create The Happy, Healthy Life You Want To Live, Heal Your Self With Journaling Power and Mindset Medicine: A Journaling Power Self-Love Book.



Publishing Date



© 2024 Mari Mc Carthy

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Stress-Free Health Management

For more than forty years, Jenetta Haim has worked to empower people to embrace positive, permanent lifestyle changes.
Now she puts her decades of experience to work in your hands. Rather than sharing a litany of “how-to” remedies, she seeks to empower her patients and readers to be more educated, informed, and inspired directors on their own path to optimal health. Once you know the scope of available resources, you can take steps toward making the best choices for your personal needs. Becoming a healthier being is possible, once you have the skills and can take responsibility for your own well-being on all levels. Using the guidance within, you can begin • improving the way you eat; • enhancing the way you think about health; • broadening your spiritual experience; • fulfilling your goals and dreams; • calming your thinking and emotions; and • expanding your focus in all areas of your life. The power is now in your hands to start making simple, positive, and
productive changes to create a healthier, happier, and more joyful life.
Jenetta Haim runs Stressfree Management at 36 Gipps Road, Greystanes, and specialises in assisting your health and lifestyle in all areas by developing programs on either a corporate or personal level to suit your needs. Jenetta is a qualified stress management specialist, naturopath, nutritionist, reiki practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Theta, NLP and energy healer and also teaches meditation & Mindfulness, Reiki, Feng Shui and other courses. Jenetta is passionate about helping you get healthy and stay healthy . Need a
simple book to explain what the natural modalities are? In just a few pages per chapter Jenetta will lead you through a myriad of modalities and remedies. Everything from heart disease to relationship issues to why not to eat wheat.
The book is available for sale on her website. Check it out or buy the book now


Balboa Press

Publishing Date



© 2024 Janetta Haim

Members Publications Img

Beyond Natural Medicine Edition II

The purpose of this book is to present pearls of wisdom to the reader from areas of research not generally known that could perhaps equip a practitioner to deal with health choices from other perspectives.
Beyond Natural Medicine is a book composed from published articles that began in 2002 after years of training in nonconventional paradigms and modalities. Most of the topics presented here are developed from a scientific evidence based approach to give the reader alternative explanations to a variety of significant issues that affect humanity.
In a world where natural medicine has been criticized for not being scientifically validated this book stands as an example of contrast to those beliefs.
This book is intended as a post graduate educational resource and not as a mainstream publication for purposes of profit.
Edition II expanded with five new articles.

Warning: This book may push the parameters of conventional paradigms beyond the confines of orthodox thinking.

This book takes the reader on an evidence based journey beyond the orthodox paradigms taught in Colleges and Universities.

The information in this book comes from some of the world’s most outstanding scientists and practitioners from around the world.


Nu-look Biologics

Publishing Date



Carron Lamb


© 2024

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Alternative and Integrative Oncology

This book is useful for those interested in pursuing Alternative Cancer Therapies and/or Integrative Orthodox Treatments.
Practitioners and cancer researchers will find a clear evidence-based approach with information describing over 300 alternative cancer treatments from around the world. Although technical aspects of Oncology and Pharmacology are discussed, students and novice researchers will find this book useful, supportive, educational and most of all a tool for learning to improve outcomes.
The reader will find quick-reference tables for cancer cell types along with specific anticancer remedies, herbs, and isolates of various levels of proven efficacy.
The book contains illustrations, diagrams, graphs, and photographs of Notable People in Cancer Research over the centuries with their historical discoveries. It also contains a glossary of terms and an extensive index for cross-referencing. Various paradigms of thought in formulating cancer diets are discussed.
In a world with ever-increasing rates of cancer, this book gives inspiration, hope, and empowerment to those who face the challenges of the future. This book is a compendium containing 260,000 words, on 300 pages from a 5-year research project.


Nu-look Biologics

Publishing Date



Carron Lamb


4th print © 2024

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Darkfield Warriors 4th Edition

Darkfield Warriors 4th Edition is the ultimate reference for microscopists performing live blood analysis or for those wanting to learn. This book discusses the history, controversy and future possibilities of this increasingly popular screening tool. This book was developed from multiple schools of interpretation including; Enderlein, Coyle, Naessens, Bradford, Bleker and Metagenics with references to Rife, Bechamp, Reich, Mattman and others.
Since its inception in 1999 Darkfield Warriors has continued to evolve with the changing times. An encyclopedic reference plus many new morphologies and blood pictures are provided along with introductory and advanced concepts from the world’s leading biologists. This book provides over 150 glossy colour photos of blood morphologies plus many black and white photos.
With few books on this subject Darkfield Warriors 4th Edition is the most complete information source for the microscopist in the nanotech era. With future complexities from nano and AI and other sources affecting the terrain of people’s blood this book is an essential navigational tool for the serious practitioner’s library.


Nu-look Biologics

Publishing Date



Carron Lamb


© 2024